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'Joan Kerr Archive’, National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.
(1976), 'Julian Ashton’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, ed. D. Pike, A. Shaw, M. Clark, B. Nairn, G. Serle and R. Ward, vols 1-6, Melbourne 1966-1976, vol.7.
Anderson, M. et al (1998), 'When Australia Was A Woman’, Western Australian Museum.
Ashton, George (1895), 'Australian Sketches’, London.
Greenwall, Ryno, p.103 (with photo).
McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art’, Hutchinson of Australia, Hawthorn, Vic.
Dart, Peter (1974), 'The Graphic art of the Bulletin 1880-1889’, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) thesis, Fine Arts, University of Sydney.
(1889), Sydney, NSW: Bulletin, 06-29, p20.
Illustrated London News.
Illustrated Australian News.
Sydney, NSW: Bulletin.
'Red Page’, Sydney, NSW: Bulletin, 06-29, p.20.
London, England, UK: Daily Graphic.
London, England, UK: Lika Joka.
London, England, UK: Pearson’s Magazine.
London, England, UK: St James’s Budget.
London, England, UK: Fun.
London, England, UK: Illustrated Bits.
London, England, UK: Pall Mall Magazine.
London, England, UK: The Sketch.
(1899), Royal Magazine, vol.3, 1899-11/1900-04.
Picturesque Atlas of Australasia.