References |
[<ExternalResource: Vane, Lindesay (1994), 'Drawing from life - a history of the Australian Black and White Artists' Club', State Library of New South Wales Press, Sydney, NSW, p93.>, <ExternalResource: Rafty, Tony (with Mack, Brodie) (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning', Blaxland Gallery, Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Rainbow, Brenda (1998), 'Golden Years of Cartooning - 1920 to 1940, Featuring the works of Stan Cross & more than twenty cartoonists of the same era', Catalogue, Bunker Cartoon Gallery, Coffs Harbour, NSW, p.42.>, <ExternalResource: Ryan, John (1979), 'Panel by panel - a history of Australian comics', Cassell Australia, Stanmore, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Mack, Brodie H. (Information sourced from) (1998), 'Bonzer, Australian Comics 1900s-1990s', Shiell, Annette ed, Elgua Media, Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Shiell, Annette & Unger, Ingrid (1994), 'Ace Biographical Portraits... 1930s-1990s', National Centre for Australian Studies, Clayton, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: 5402/1965, NSW Death Records.>, <ExternalResource: (1920), Sydney, NSW: Sunday Mail, 06-17, p18.>, <ExternalResource: (1930), The Budget, 03-28.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW: Daily Telegraph.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW: Sunday Telegraph.>, <ExternalResource: NSW Bookstall Publishing Company: Gigglywinks.>, <ExternalResource: Kazanda: The Wild Girl of the Lost Continent.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW: Truth.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW: Sun.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW: Sunday Sun.>]