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Benwell, Stephen, b. 1953
Contemporary Australian ceramicist working in, and counter to, craft traditions.
Blakebrough, Les, b. 1930
Renowned ceramicist and ceramics educator, first at Sturt Workshops, later in Hobart, Tasmania. Last studio in Coledale, NSW. Pioneer in Australian porcelain clay, described as ...
DeBoos, Janet
Canberra-based designer and ceramicist known for her fine handmade porcelain vessels.
Gazzard, Marea, b. 1928
Marea Gazzard was a sculptor in clay and bronze. After training in ceramics, she studied sculpture with Lyndon Dadswell and had her first solo exhibition ...
Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn, b. 1935
Gwyn Hanssen Pigott was one of Australia's most distinguished potters whose career extended over more than five decades in Australia, England and France. She has ...
Hughan, Harold Randolph, b. 1893
Although Harold Hughan admired the genius of the Song and T’ang dynasty potters, his own practice as a studio potter was devoted to developing a ...
Hunt, Emily, b. 1981
Emily Hunt, painter and ceramic artist, holds a Master of Fine Arts from the Sydney College of the Arts. She has had numerous solo exhibitions ...
Ousback, Anders, b. 1951
Well-known and admired Sydney restaurateur and ceramicist.