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Hamlet by Marowitz


Flinders drama group, dir. Henry Salter, performance

Hamlet by Marowitz

by Salter, Henry .

Flinders drama group, dir. Henry Salter, performance

Tribute to Elvis and the Mandrill

by Hagoort, Margaret.

Arranged by Margaret Hagoort, disco-performance, student work

Cybernetic Heroicisms

by Masteroid Space Propaganda Ltd.

Masteroid Space Propaganda Ltd, 4 performances

Photographs of China

by Parr, Geoff.

Students and lecturers, Tasmanian School of Art, photos taken 1977, coordinator Geoff Parr

Transitional Performance

by Gasper, John, Thompson, Gary.

John Gasper and Gary Thompson, performance

Opening of the Shed

by Kerr, David.

David Kerr, event at suburban Highgate


by Scott, Jill.

Jill Scott, talk on recent West Coast US video and performance art

Epistemology of the Visual Arts

by Brook, Donald.

Monday afternoon sessions at the Experimental Art Foundation to discuss Donald Brook text


by Parkhill, Lindsay.

Lindsay Parkhill, wall piece

Playground for Paranoids

by Hamilton, Ian.

Ian Hamilton, installation


by Huebler, Douglas.

Exhibition, Douglas Huebler

Informal meeting

by Boudaille, Georges.

Informal meeting Georges Boudaille, director of Paris Biennale

Relate Now... Now

by Fisher, John.

Residency, John Fisher, installations and discussions on theory, performance Relate Now... Now, with Leslie Savage