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Hilder, Jesse Jewhurst, b. 1881
Hilder's delicate, sensitive landscape watercolours were enthusiastically received when they were first exhibited in the early years of the century. This was in part because ...
Senbergs, Jan, b. 1939
Jan Senbergs is one of that remarkable generation of European refugee immigrants whose sensibility so influenced Australian culture. His work has been featured in numerous ...
Martin, Mandy, b. 1952
One of the activist women artists who emerged in the mid-1970s, later turned from overtly political posters and industrial landscapes to painting powerful landscapes of ...
Mather, John, b. 1848
Glasgow born and educated, John Mather came to Melbourne hoping to pursue a full time career as an artist, but for some years had to ...
Miller, Max, b. 1940
Wiradjuri sculptor, painter and printmaker, Miller was one of the champions of the etching revival in Sydney in the 1970s and 80s. He established a ...
Wilson, Dora L., b. 1883
Best known for her street scenes showing figures in dappled light, Dora Wilson was also a printmaker who was awarded a silver medal for the ...
Shead, Gria, b. 1972
Shead is a painter and printmaker. She trained at the National Art School, Sydney.